Sunday, April 1, 2007

Forgotten Heroes

Commentary: Marne R. Yasay, Vallejo, California: "While these Americans were enjoying the luxury of peace and security in their hiding places, the Filipino veterans were shedding their blood and dying for them in the battle fields. It is worthy to mention that the battles in Bataan and Corregidor were written in Filipino blood - of the U.S. forces who defended these two significant places, 85 percent were Filipinos.

After the war, Americans had homes to go to, families to greet them, and paychecks available to them. No so for a Filipino survivor - there was no home to go to, no family, no money to begin life anew. Knowing these hardships, the phrase "It's more than a paycheck" is cruel and unhealthy language.

It was the U.S. that de-clared war against Japan. It was her duty to finance the war in terms of millions and the only part the Filipino veterans should provide is their blood and lives. Money could never approximate the priceless value of blood and lives..." (Vallejo Times Herald) ...full story here

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