Sunday, October 7, 2012

Back to School Essay

Back to School: A Retrospection
"A diller a dollar a ten o'clock scholar what makes you come so late," says a famous Mother Goose nursery rhyme about a lad who was an example of being a model student but later on he became just the opposite. He started coming late to his class and made all excuses he could think of for his absences. Was this lad facing the same misfortunes and predicaments as students here during these times? 
As a parent, sometime I hate to prepare my college student to attend school as I never know what might be the cost at the end of the school year other than the normal tuition, school supplies, and books needed to let her get by with. 
Of course, let's not forget the daily baon (allowances) and the exact change for her ride to school since the tricycle drivers tell her religiously every morning that they do not have enough change to give back to student passengers. 
Then we have a sinking fund which, when paid, was never used the last time we paid for it. I will never forget I had written about it already. Does everybody remember the "Blue Christmas", the one when the principal lost his cool and kicked in the students Christmas tree and tore down their directions while in a rage, shouting at the students that the Christmas party be cancelled because of a few out of line students. ("Bahhumbug" I thought was said only by that of the Grinch!) 
How can my student concentrate when the teacher classroom loads are way over the normal capacity which should really be 27-30 student teacher loads but no instead it is a 50 plus student maximum overload. 
Teachers, I observe that many families here are struggling on a day to day basis and then you dump some expensive project on the student that takes up a good portion of the family's income to survive or get by with. Could you teachers ease back on the number of projects or even cut the cost of a project in half during these times of crisis and economic adjustments? 
I also sympathize for teachers who are handling big classes and I am sure the pharmacies become busier during the school year when teachers line up for headache medicines. 
I would like to call for the abolition of school uniforms. Students should have their choice of wear but guided by some dress code policies. This only helps a student to be able to better identify himself and gives him independence in what his choices are.
Frankly speaking I do not see girls making a choice of wearing a skimpy cut short skirt on a normal day of school. A school needs to adjust to the world budget crisis and allows the student needs and feelings and the teachers along with the counselors should give way to the students at home type situations as well. Students are real people too. Allow them a healthy voice and allow them a good choice. 
Remember a parent overrules any school's decisions on their children, and that should not be held against the student for obeying his parents. The schools need to teach respect by showing it first, to begin with. Good luck to all students heading back to school.