Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hiring Local Economist Consultant in the Philippines

The Philippines-Canada Cooperation Office (PCCO) is looking for a LOCAL ECONOMIST to support the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Program. CIDA seeks the services of a new local economic expert (see attached Terms of Reference - TOR) that can provide planning and policy advice in the thematic area of sustainable economic growth.
This consulting work will be on a part-time, Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) with PCCO thru its executing agency, Coffey Philippines Inc. (CPI), The SOA between the Consultant and PCCO will detail general terms of contract, including the agreed professional fee (per day).  A Task Requisition (job order) will be prepared for every activity that CIDA will require the Consultant to work on. The level of effort (number of work days) will be estimated by CIDA for each Task Requisition.    

Those qualified and interested in applying should submit their:
1.             CV (no more than 5 pages) that addresses the qualifications indicated in the TOR  and contains the following information: 
·                           complete name and current contact info (e-mail address, telephone and mobile numbers);
·                           related formal education and special training;
·                           work experience;
·                           specific skills and know-how that will be useful in this consulting job; and
·                           at least three references (professional)
2.             One-page Expression of Interest (EOI) indicating why s/he is suitable for the job.
Please send by courier or mail your EOI and CV (Subject: EOI-Local Economist) before 5pm Wednesday, 04 May 2011 to the PCCO, 9F Salcedo Towers, 169 H.V. dela Costa St, Salcedo Village, Makati City or fax it at fax no. 892-8913 (we will not consider EOIs sent via e-mail).
A shortlist of successful candidates will be selected within 1-2 weeks. Short-listed candidates will be required to write a test and come for an interview. Only short-listed candidates will be requested to submit their preferred consulting fee per day at the time of their written test. The per diem rate/financial part shall comprise 20% of the final assessment with the technical qualifications accounting for the remaining 80%.  Only successful candidates will be acknowledged.

For those already registered with the PCCO Database of Local Consultants, you need not submit a new CV (just update online thru your personal account). For those who have not yet registered, we invite you to do so by accessing our website ( ) and posting your CV in our CV registry. Please share this information with your colleagues and network partners who might be interested and qualified to apply for this position (or ask them to register with the PCCO online database).
We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to receiving your EOI & CV on or before the specified deadline.
General Manager
Philippines-Canada Cooperation Office (PCCO)
The program support unit of CIDA in the Philippines
Tel. (632) 813-8255  Fax (632) 892-8913